The Special Family Connection® Podcast
Providing Special Needs Families & Caregivers with Positive News, Information and Support through the Power of Podcasts, Videos, Social Media, Inspiring stories and Laughter ®
The Special Family Connection® Podcast
In A Rut? "6:08 Minutes on my Mic"
Debby Wells
Season 2
Episode 1
The First in a continuing series of "Me on My Mic" Talks.
"Get Your Butt Out Of Your Rut" is my first episode and I use some strong language (For me anyway) because I have been in those ruts so many times myself. It is a horrible place to be when you have hopes and dreams, but they require you to do something.
Have you trained your mind to think that you cannot get out if a rut you have been stuck in?? Are you like a trained animal and think that you are tethered to one path, unable to run and be free? I share some thoughts during my "Me on My Mic" podcast